There's nothing sweeter than cuddling with your baby when she falls asleep on you, except possibly putting her down in her crib for the night, kissing her and quietly exiting only to not return until 6 AM the next morning.
Payton started sleeping through the night (STTN) the same week she started daycare. Coincidence? I think not. She isn't taking very good naps at school (that's what we call daycare), but she is making up for it at night. We'll put her down around 8 PM and she STTN until 6 AM. Halleluah!! Just in time for me to return to work.
Her day goes a bit like this:
6 AM: Wake, change diaper and clothes, eat
6:30: Leave for school with Daddy
6:45-3:30ish: Play with school friends, go on walks, nap, learn new things
4: Go home with Daddy, play & snooze until Mommy comes home
5:30: Mommy gets home, playtime
7-8: Bath (if needed), eat, jammies and bedtime
Seriously. I'm scared to jinx us, but she is so perfect!!
And as I was often advised when Payton was first born, when the baby sleeps, so should you. GOOD NIGHT!
So happy for you that Payton sleeps through the night. And not jealous at all. No, not even a little bit. Really, just happy for you. Can you maybe describe a full night's sleep? I remember that it's a good thing, right?
Well, a may be posting a retraction after last night. See, I jinxed us. We'll see how tonight goes.
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