

Aside from the drama of the immunizations, Payton had a great 2-month checkup with the doctor. She weighed in at 11 lbs. 10 oz. (75th percentile) and 23.5 inches long (90th percentile). Basically the pediatrician said that she's is growing well and is a healthy, happy baby. The happy part comes from her being in a great mood and very playful during her time at the doctor's office. Payton is doing well on the formula and the doctor didn't at all make me feel the least bit guilty about weaning from breastfeeding. He also said we probably can start taking her off the Zantac as it appears that she might be outgrowing the GERD (reflux).
As Payton approaches her third month, I have to say she has been a great baby during the past few weeks, which have been filled with a lot of new things for us. She has responded very well to weaning, taken to formula well (even to the point that she appears to eat better than when nursing), gone to daycare, began sleeping through the night and overall has just been the best baby any parents could ask for. We love her so much and are truly blessed!

1 comment:

Eric and Julie said...

Look at that beautiful smile! And she's awake...I need to come see her again soon. Glad the shots are over and Bud Light was nearby. Mmmmm, beer.
