

It's a beautiful day out - a lovely 71 degrees and sunny - but I elected to stay in at lunch today. There's plenty for me to do to get caught up, but I've nearly got my voicemail, email and snailmail all sorted and cleaned up.

I usually enjoy going out to lunch but dwindling finances and an expanding waistline were encouragement enough to not. I quickly lost all the baby weight while nursing, but since we've stopped it seems to be finding me again.

So I pop a Lean Cuisine into the microwave for lunch and while reading the box, made a frightening discovery. My grilled chicken caesar bowl, with only 7g fat and 240 calories, has a list of ingredients on the side, two of which are fish. What?
Yes, in bold under the list of ingredients I see:

Apparently radiatore, fancy name for the spiral pasta they use, is flavored with the gelatin of fish. First I didn't know what radiatore was now I learn it is made with fish jello? Gross. There is no mention of this anywhere on the top/front of the box. I wonder what would happen if someone had a fish allergy?
I should've just went out to lunch.

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