
Poor thing

A Christmas post is coming, I promise. It's just been a hectic week since. Payton is on the supposedly stronger antibiotic and as of yesterday she wasn't showing signs of improvement. In fact, daycare called and said she was really fussy and inconsoable at times. We were scheduled to follow-up with the doctor on Friday, but I called and the nurse agreed that Payton needed to come back in. Scott took Payton to the pedi today where they agreed that she's a sick little girl. Her infection had become worse (how does that happen while on medicine?) and they heard enough junk in her lungs to say she has bronchitis. Daddy had the great joy of holding Payton down long enough for a breathing treatment with the nebulizer and for a shot of antibiotic directly into the leg. He was less than thrilled about this doctor's visit. It sounds like this respiratory infection/virus, whatever it is, is going around daycare so they advised us not to take her back. Could be a couple long nights and days ahead. I'm hoping she's on the mend, though, as she appeared to be eating a bit better today. Thank God, because she has had little to no appetite through all this. I just hope she soon starts feeling like her good, ol' jolly, happy self again because the sick Payton breaks my heart.


Christine said...

Oh my goodness. I'm not sure who I feel worse for — Payton or you. Sounds just awful. Hopefully, she'll enter 2009 a little better than leaving 2008 and spend the whole year sickness free. We're thinking of you...

The Jacobs said...

Thanks and my sympathies as well for penny and you as she heals.

Eric and Julie said...

I hope Payton is feeling better soon! It's always hard when they're sick, and can't tell you what's wrong.

Thanks again for the baby food. Henry likes it all.

Weiss Women said...

I hope Payton is feeling better. It is horrible when they are sick. love, Julianne