

I've changed the heading up there on the masthead, finally. And for a few reasons.
One is to reflect that this is and should be a place for Scott & I to update what's going on in our lives. Although I realize it's primarily going to be up to me to do the updating.

Also, kudos to anyone who knows what or who said the quote above. HINT: It's an ode to one of my favorite TV shows.
It also completely summarizes the way I have felt about life for a few years. I can remember graduating from college, and being sad because I knew my future would not involve working for my entire life. Nothing but working 40 hours a week until retirement to look forward to. Congratulations, here's your degree. Have fun going to work everyday.

Nothing drives this home more than the fact that my two teenage brothers remind me what it was like to be a carefree high school kid living off the parents. Granted, I've been working since I was 15 when I started a part-time gig as a hostess at Chi-Chi's. And, like me, they do a pretty good job at holding their own. But I know that feeling of anticipation. That eagerness to be an adult. I couldn't wait to grow up and not be under the thumb of my parents.

Now I realize how nice it would be to go back. I know I can't make it stop, but at least I can tell my brothers to slow down.

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